The Glitch effect offsets rows of pixels slightly to give the appearance of a technical glitch. Best used in combination with animations to control the offset strength over time.
This effect requires the Offset Texture to be set in order to work properly. A texture is supplied in Resources/Textures/GlitchTex.png.
Enabled Bool
Is the effect active?
Offset Texture Texture2D
A vertical strip texture which controls the strength of the offset for different rows of the image. Middle grey means no offset; white is full offset to the right; black is full offset to the left.
Offset Strength Float
How far pixels are offset in UV space. A value of 1.0 moves a pixel from the left-hand-side of the image completely to the right-hand-side if the offset texture for that row of pixels is full-white.
Vertical Tiling Float
How many times the offset texture is repeated vertically. In other words, controls the number of glitch rows.
Known Issues
There are no known issues at the moment.