For Unity 2019.3+ | URP | HDRP | Built-in



The Cutout effect takes a texture (which usually has a part taken out of the middle with zero alpha) and overlays the texture onto the scene.

This effect requires the Cutout Texture to be set in order to work properly. A collection of textures is supplied in Resources/Textures/Cutout.


Enabled Bool

Is the effect active?

Cutout Texture Texture2D

The texture to use for the cutout. Pixels inside the texture with an alpha of zero become cut out in the center.

Border Color Color

Color to apply to the outer edges of the cutout texture where alpha is greater that zero.

Stretch Bool

Should the texture stretch to fit the screen? If false, the texture keeps its original aspect ratio.

Zoom Float

The level of zoom to apply to the cutout texture.

Offset Vector2

An offset to apply to the cutout texture.

Rotation Float

Amount of rotation, in degrees, to apply to the cutout texture. The rotation is applied anti-clockwise.

Known Issues

There are no known issues at the moment.