For Unity 2019.3+ | URP | HDRP | Built-in

Drawing & Outline


Shades in the scene with a brush stroke pattern. Darker parts of the scene have a more noticeable stroke effect.

This effect requires the Drawing Texture to be set in order to work properly. An example is provided at Resources/Textures/DrawingTex.png.


Strength Float

How noticeable the effect is.

Drawing Texture Texture2D

The texture which encodes what the drawing pattern looks like.

Animation Cycle Time Float

The number of seconds taken for one animation cycle (where a cycle involves the effect ‘bouncing’ twice by moving the UV coordinates used by the drawing texture)

Tiling Float

The number of times the drawing texture is tiled (in the y-direction).

Smudge Float

Strength of the additional UV smudging effect (pixels are translated slightly based on the colour value of the pencil effect at this pixel).

Depth Threshold Bool

Pixels past this depth (normalised between 0 and 1) will not be 'drawn'.

Known Issues

There are no known issues at the moment.