For Unity 2019.3+ | URP | HDRP | Built-in

Dither 3D

Dither 3D

The Dithering effect takes the luminance of each pixel and compares it to a texture containing thresholds to color pixels light or dark, resulting in a one-bit effect. The 3D version of this effect applies the threshold texture in world space using triplanar mapping.

This effect requires the Noise Texture to be set in order to work properly.


Enabled Bool

Is the effect active?

Noise Texture Texture2D

The texture to use for the dithering thresholds. This texture is mapped in 3D space to objects using triplanar mapping.

Noise Size Float

How large the noise texture is when applied to objects.

Threshold Offset Float

The value to use as the comparison point between light and dark pixels. This is added to values from the Noise Texture.

Blend Amount Float

How much blending to apply between the three triplanar-mapped noise textures.

Dark Color Color

Color to use for pixels that fall beneath the dithering threshold.

Light Color Color

Color to use for pixels that go above the dithering threshold.

Known Issues

There are no known issues at the moment.