Some games like have a cute sprite ‘wobble’ effect, with a two-frame animation. In this tutorial, we will implement that same effect in Shader Graph!

Bytesize Gamedev is a series of shorter game development tutorials.

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Sprite Wobble

Start by creating a new Sprite Unlit graph via Create -> Shader -> 2D Renderer -> Sprite Unlit Graph (Experimental) - on newer Unity versions, this is Create -> Shader -> Universal Render Pipeline -> Sprite Unlit Graph.

New Shader. Gotta start somewhere.

We’ll create four properties: Main Texture, a regular Texture2D; Flow Map, another Texture2D; Strength, a Vector1/Float with a default of 0.005; and Speed, another Vector1/Float with a default of 4.

Properties. A few basic properties is all we need!

Then we need a clock. I’m going to make mine use 4 frames of animation. Take a Time node’s Time output, Multiply it by Speed, and then Modulo the result by 4. Floor that, then Divide by 4.

Animation Clock. This clock’s better than TikTok.

That’s going to become a UV offset. Funnel the clock result into a Tiling And Offset node’s Offset pin, with the UV0 channel in the UV input.

UV Offset. This only works if your flow map is set to repeat!

Connect the modified UVs to the UV input of a Normal From Texture node, with the Flow Map in its Texture slot. This will generate offset vectors for the ‘wobble’. Multiply by Strength.

Flow Map. You could alternatively use Strength in the Normal From Texture’s input.

Add these offset vectors to a UV node, then use the result in the UV field on a Sample Texture 2D node. That node will be sampling the Main Texture. Then we can output its result to the Color field on the Master node, and we’re done!

Color Output. Ignore the weird preview on Sample Texture 2D - it ignores alpha for some reason.

Thanks for reading Bytesize Gamedev, where I bring you short game development tips in an easy to digest format!



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