For Unity 2021.3+ | URP | HDRP | Built-in

The Scanline Hologram effect supports a hologram texture scrolling down the object. This scanline controls the output alpha of the object, which in turn influences which parts of the object glow.
Basic PBR Properties
- Base Emission Color Color - Controls the color of the object.
- Base Emission Texture Texture 2D - Also controls the color of the object. This is multiplied by Base Emission Color.
- Normal Texture Texture 2D - Used to change the normal vectors on the surface, which influences lighting interactions. May not be noticeable due to the usage of bright emissive light
- Normal Strength Float - A value between 0 and 1 which controls how strongly the Normal Texture impacts the surface normals.
- Alpha Clip Threshold Float - Any pixel with an output alpha value below this value is culled entirely. Useful for Dot Matrix holograms.
- Metallic Float - A value of 0 means the lighting on the surface is like a non-metal (wood, paper, plastic). 1 means it is like metal.
- Smoothness Float - A value of 0 means the object is completely rough. 1 means it is highly polished and smooth.
- Ambient Occlusion Float - A value of 0 means no ambient light reaches the object. 1 means the full ambient light reaches the object.
- Fresnel Color Color - Color of the Fresnel/rim light. Can be different to the Base Emission Color.
- Fresnel Power Float - The size of the Fresnel/rim. Higher values mean the rim is smaller, but this should be a value above 0.
- Use Scene Intersections? Boolean - Allow the shader to detect intersections with scene objects?
- Intersection Power Float - Larger values make the size of the intersection effect smaller.
- Scanline Mode Enum - An enum with three values: Screen Space means the Scanline Texture will be applied relative to the position of pixels on the screen; World Space means the scanline is applied based on the position of the object in the world; None will turn off the scanlines.
- Scanline Rotation Float - Only works in Screen Space mode. Rotates the direction of the scanlines.
- Scanline Direction Vector 3 - Only works in World Space mode. Orients the scanlines along this vector in world space.
- Scanline Texture Texture 2D - A texture which encodes the scanline pattern. You can increase the scaling of this texture for closely-packed scanlines, and vice versa. In World Space mode, only the vertical information matters.
- Scanline Velocity Vector 2 - Controls the speed at which the scanlines scroll across the object.
- Scanline MinMax Alpha Vector 2 - Completely black pixels from the Scanline Texture will output the Min value (first component of this vector). Completely white pixels from the Scanline Texture will output the Max value (second component of this vector).